Convergent local adaptation to climate in distantly related conifers.
† authors contributed equally to this work
Exome capture from the spruce and pine giga-genomes.
† authors contributed equally to this work
Expression divergence is correlated with sequence evolution but not positive selection in conifers.
Hodgins, K.A.†, Yeaman, S.†, Nurkowski, K., Rieseberg, L.H., Aitken, S.N. 2016 Expression divergence is correlated with sequence evolution but not positive selection in conifers. Molecular Biology and Evolution 33, pp 1502-1516. doi:10.1093/molbev/msw032.
† authors contributed equally to this work
Introduction to Invasion Genomics In: Invasion Genetics: The Baker and Stebbins Legacy
Rieseberg, L.H., Hodgins, K.A. 2016. Introduction to Invasion Genomics In: Invasion Genetics: The Baker and Stebbins Legacy (eds. Barrett SCH, Colautti RIC, Dlugosch KM & Rieseberg LH), Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford (in press).